On Moral Compromises.
One can tell a great deal about a person by finding out what he will not compromise: what lines in the sand he will not cross.
For all their faults, I personally will be voting for the Republicans in my district next week, as I believe national security remains the most important issue of the day and I continue to mistrust the Democratic leadership on that issue in particular. I believe that a Democratic majority in either house would result in a flood of hearings investigating Bush's foreign policies, a defunding of our efforts to forge a stable government in Iraq, or both. This would make it harder for Bush to confront a nuclear North Korea and a nearly nuclear Iran, it would make it harder for Bush or his successors to use military force against a rogue state, and it would send a signal of weakness unfathomably worse than our retreat from Somalia.
So far as I can tell, Rod Dreher doesn't give a damn about any of this. He is willing for us to lose face in front of our jihadist enemies just so Bush and Rumsfeld can be held accountable for what he believes is gross incompetence in Iraq. I don't believe they are guilty of such a thing, but even so: it's one thing to hold Lincoln to account for early defeats in the Civil War, it's another thing entirely to give the Copperheads the government in the process.
(Would that the modern Democrats were hawks...)
Because there's no clear indication that he's thought through the consequences of his petulant temper tantrum, I suspect that -- despite his otherwise clear appraisal of the threat posed by the jihadists -- Rod's willing to sacrifice national security to have his way in seeing the Bush Administration punished for Iraq.
It's now also clear that Rod's willing to sacrifice his principles on abortion to see to it that Republicans suffer for their supposed corruption and incompetence. There's a lot that's reprehensible about that post: there's the convenient redefinition of what it means for Rod to be "pro-life," and there's the suggestion that the American government isn't worth defending with Bush in the Oval Office:
"And I look at my own two sons, and wonder how I would feel if they were in Iraq now, putting their life on the line to protect two unworthy governments: Maliki's and Bush's. And that shapes my thinking heavily this year." [emphasis mine]
But beyond that is the emphasis on punishing the GOP:
"I think we are in a terrible, terrible situation in Iraq, and that the Republicans have a lot to answer for."
I find it hard to believe that a Dem-controlled Congress will make the admittedly rough situation in Iraq -- or, more importantly, national security overall -- any better, and I haven't seen any substance from Rod defending such a notion. Ultimately, I think the big issue for Rod is that Republicans must answer for their sins.
National security? It's not given much thought at all. Abortion? Important, he says, but not important enough.
I wonder what Rod won't sacrifice to satisfy his childish craving for punishing the GOP.
Update: In a later post, Rod quotes Paul Krugman -- odd how much our crunchy conservative likes and respects the NY Times' most liberal writer -- who asserts, "the United States has accepted defeat on [Iraqi] reconstruction."
God help us if that's true. But the interesting thing as it relates to Dreher is that it shows that he doesn't naively believe we can win in Iraq while the "crooks" in the White House are "roasted on live television."
He thinks Iraq is already a lost cause, and he furthermore thinks hearings where Rummy is grilled by indignant leftists is far more important than America's making clear its will to fight and to win.
For all their faults, I personally will be voting for the Republicans in my district next week, as I believe national security remains the most important issue of the day and I continue to mistrust the Democratic leadership on that issue in particular. I believe that a Democratic majority in either house would result in a flood of hearings investigating Bush's foreign policies, a defunding of our efforts to forge a stable government in Iraq, or both. This would make it harder for Bush to confront a nuclear North Korea and a nearly nuclear Iran, it would make it harder for Bush or his successors to use military force against a rogue state, and it would send a signal of weakness unfathomably worse than our retreat from Somalia.
So far as I can tell, Rod Dreher doesn't give a damn about any of this. He is willing for us to lose face in front of our jihadist enemies just so Bush and Rumsfeld can be held accountable for what he believes is gross incompetence in Iraq. I don't believe they are guilty of such a thing, but even so: it's one thing to hold Lincoln to account for early defeats in the Civil War, it's another thing entirely to give the Copperheads the government in the process.
(Would that the modern Democrats were hawks...)
Because there's no clear indication that he's thought through the consequences of his petulant temper tantrum, I suspect that -- despite his otherwise clear appraisal of the threat posed by the jihadists -- Rod's willing to sacrifice national security to have his way in seeing the Bush Administration punished for Iraq.
It's now also clear that Rod's willing to sacrifice his principles on abortion to see to it that Republicans suffer for their supposed corruption and incompetence. There's a lot that's reprehensible about that post: there's the convenient redefinition of what it means for Rod to be "pro-life," and there's the suggestion that the American government isn't worth defending with Bush in the Oval Office:
"And I look at my own two sons, and wonder how I would feel if they were in Iraq now, putting their life on the line to protect two unworthy governments: Maliki's and Bush's. And that shapes my thinking heavily this year." [emphasis mine]
But beyond that is the emphasis on punishing the GOP:
"I think we are in a terrible, terrible situation in Iraq, and that the Republicans have a lot to answer for."
I find it hard to believe that a Dem-controlled Congress will make the admittedly rough situation in Iraq -- or, more importantly, national security overall -- any better, and I haven't seen any substance from Rod defending such a notion. Ultimately, I think the big issue for Rod is that Republicans must answer for their sins.
National security? It's not given much thought at all. Abortion? Important, he says, but not important enough.
I wonder what Rod won't sacrifice to satisfy his childish craving for punishing the GOP.
Update: In a later post, Rod quotes Paul Krugman -- odd how much our crunchy conservative likes and respects the NY Times' most liberal writer -- who asserts, "the United States has accepted defeat on [Iraqi] reconstruction."
God help us if that's true. But the interesting thing as it relates to Dreher is that it shows that he doesn't naively believe we can win in Iraq while the "crooks" in the White House are "roasted on live television."
He thinks Iraq is already a lost cause, and he furthermore thinks hearings where Rummy is grilled by indignant leftists is far more important than America's making clear its will to fight and to win.
Rod's rhetoric lately has been in the spirit of wishing the death of his neighbor's cow, rather than exceeding his neighbor. That is a shame.
It is vindictive, shortsighted, and foolish.
To go wobbly on abortion is unthinkable.
You are an engineer so follow the pattern it is leading to a democrats and me post.
You can't vote for a D, and not be a D. So the pool is about when he will convert. Spanking your neighbors cow or choking his chicken represents regressive thinking and faulty logic. So eventually the justification will catch up to the desire.
Along those lines, what's this support of Webb? I've been spot checking, and did not catch it. Also B-net seems to be having replication problems. Regardless how can he be pro-Webb with Webb's sexual writing? Webb was writing about some unhealthy touching, I certainly won't be reading his work now to find out the context. It seems like a case of strange bedfellows.
Avuncular advice, forgive me if I am mistaken about your twenty something age, but everyone over 40 is a Machiavellian. Around the late thirties you start to receive the reigns of power. Around 40 you sit there in the board room and look past your CIO’s confident patrician glaze, and into what remains of his soul. You look past the Prozac induced calmitudes, to see his screeching demonic wife spending his fiscal 2009 performance bonus, while he asks you if he should spend a million dollars on this or that software. You make your decision based on what is best for Mrs. CIO, and not necessarily the truth. If you can get a twofer out of it more power to you.
You have the ideal, but you are always confronted by reality. Hence one can say that they are an originalist and pro-choice. But I suspect when the rubber hits the road, that the pro-choice predilections will reign supremely over the originalist ones.
I don’t want to tangle with you on the slippery slope, because it is an overused scare tactic. Most frightening things can be managed by rational people. But abortion is abhorrent. My gorge rises at it. It is not even a slippery slope it is a slippery cliff. It is a Faustian bargain, and one generation will have to pay the devil for it someday. It is an existential threat. One cannot participate in it without being bloodied. And when the soul can no longer abide the festering sliver within it, what is it that the woman has to repent of? It’s not the parents, girlfriends, or boy friend that has to face the guilt. It’s the woman, and again, what does she have to repent of? That’s why a pro-choice politician must stay true because too many of the supporters would have to consider the consequences of their actions.
A mature candidate who can say that they are originalist and pro-choice is not right. I would tend to believe that their pro-choice darkness, shades their constitutional light. A politician is going to play the hand that is dealt him, and may bluff with origianist ideas, put practically they still have to play their cards. In the end they will support abortion before abstractions about the constitution.
A little old but pertinent to the subject of Rod's love affair with Webb, here's something from one of my favorite sites. (Yeah, their top 10 lists go up to 11. Take that, Spinal Tap!!)
I also (finally) read the short passage from Webb's book linked on that page which caused all the flap to begin with. Gross, yes, yet boring -- but shouldn't that get the ol' Rod rage going? Oh, wait, the adult in the story wasn't a Catholic priest and Webb's not a Catholic priest either. Or a Republican -- sorry, my mistake, stupid me....
Pikkumatti, I read the combox you mentioned, well. skimmed it. That Heather in OH was really beating up on Rod's argument pretty bad. Of course, he didn't reply to her....
Rod's out on the lunatic fringe on Iraq, isn't he? I mean, George Will isn't keen on the war, but he wouldn't call it a "meat grinder" I don't think. I don't know, Will bores me, so I don't read him. But "meat grinder" sounds awfully John Kerry-ish.
hey stooksboy, i've also joined the Church of Itchy Sweaters are Bad, the Church of Dark Chocolate is Good, and the Church of Kitty Cats and Winter Sunsets are Usually Pretty Good.
seriously, it's pretty amusing it's taken seven months for these guys to try to combat humor with humor. they have seen the light! now, if only they were funny.
"you've joined the church of x...." -- that perfectly pitched piece of rapier-wit syntax Stooksboy has introduced into the vernacular -- is all too illustrative of stooksboy and company's state of being. if i may, (if i must, really), they have "joined the church of bush is bad bad bad bad bad bad i tell you"! For them it is clearly an article of faith that bush is bad, since they have given no substantive evidence for it if one sensibly discounts the rabidly biased media reportage about iraq and the administration. (and nice try pointing out the ridiculous vanity fair claim about the neo-cons, effectively rebutted by frum)
Who's commenting on Rod's blog now? Read the comments to Abortion and Photography for a good laugh.
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