Sunday, October 29, 2006

What's the big Ikea?

There is an idea out there floating around on the net and in some skulls that the cheap crap Wal-mart sells is really bad for the well-being of the planet, but the crap Ikea sells is a blessing. Who cares? Watch this.


Blogger kathleen said...

i have an idea for a great new show, where crunchy cons from all walks of life live together in a house. i mean bungalow. we can call it THE AUTHENTIC WORLD. it will feature an orthodox crunchy con, a catholic crunchy con, a conservative crunchy con, a liberal cruncy con (no, NOT a contradiction in terms), and a homosexually oriented cruncy con who may or may not be living out his/her orientation.

it will be set in a series of authentic cities, beginning with Dallas of course. the bungalow furnishings will feature tons of stuff from ikea, but no wal-mart crap obviously. willl we feature products from Target? unknown. we still await any prounouncements on the crunchiness of Target.

7:46 AM  
Blogger kathleen said...

i forgot to include the *pagan* crunchy con as a necessary element of the quintessential AUTHENTIC WORLD cast.

7:49 AM  
Blogger Andy Nowicki said...

I recall that Ikea was mocked by the movie FIGHT CLUB a few years ago. One reviewer took exception to this aspect of the movie, while praising its overall attack on consumerism, writing something like "I could understand them going after Wal-Mart or someone like that, but why pick on Ikea? Apparently to pick on a trendier yuppier version of a discount store was simply beyond the pale...

10:09 AM  
Blogger Pauli said...

I thought that post was funny. I didn't read the book, but I heard the author on Laura I's show. As I understand it, the whole point is that Applebee's is a symbol for the voting bloc that has been putting recent presidents into the White House, i.e., low-maintenance suburbanites that aren't addicted to bungalows and scowling at Joe 6-in-the-pew's life-style. So I think the author and Rod would disagree on a lot, except when the guy criticizes Republicans. Then Rod will quote it on his blog.

For myself, I really like Applebee's, but it was difficult explaining to my kids that the jackalope rack on the wall wasn't a real animal.

10:45 AM  
Blogger kathleen said...

really, the guy is just a bore at this point.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

What I don't get is Rod's near silence on the fact that a new edition of the book that led to his blog has come out. One brief post mentioning he saw it in a bookstore.

Doesn't the fact that there is a new canonical presentation of what he is supposed to stand for warrant, I don't know, some discussion or something?

One might be forgiven for suspecting he's just not that into the opinions he held a few months ago.

More evidence for the thesis that a Crunchy Con is someone who feels the way Rod feels today (today he feels fear for his children, if you can believe it).

"I am pro-life: theirs."

Is sophism supposed to be a good thing in an opinion journalist?

6:11 AM  
Blogger Pauli said...

Rod: "I am Pro-Life: my Mercedes. I refuse to perform a mercy killing. I will not pull the plug on this loyal friend who is 85 years old in car-years just to fit-in with our euthanizing consumerist culture!!!! You're going down, George Allen!!! You too Santorum, you, you... you Catholic, you!!!! Larison, help me!!!! More COWBELL!!!! More exclamation points!!!! AGGHCKKKCK!!!!"

8:45 AM  
Blogger kathleen said...

i wonder what kind of bumperstickers rod has on his hoop-dee mercedes with no a/c that costs him $2200 per year in maintenance costs alone:


or maybe


11:39 AM  
Blogger Pauli said...

Regarding pro-life, I was just looking back to an older post and reading a comment I made about crunchies and pro-life. [starts with "I don't know what Rod himself thinks, but..."]. I still stand by that remark "The forest is fine, it's those damn trees they can't stand" which I think is really behind all the stupid posturing on Iraq.

12:29 PM  

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