Friday, May 12, 2006

Rod Pulled Punches?

Some things must be read to be believed. Rod's writing about conservative political correctness qualifies.
I've also noticed in all the public discussion of "Crunchy Cons" that it is very hard on the Right to admit to any questions or doubts about the superiority of free-market economics. Re-reading my own book, I detect a clear sense of punch-pulling out of fear that to speculate about the deleterious effects on society of free-market economics is to out oneself as a crypto-leftie. My book was unfortunately timid in parts because I was (unconsciously) censoring myself, fearing backlash.

Since I doubt it will survive for long, the following is what I posted as a comment:
This blog would be a great opportunity, not only for you to pull no punches in your criticism of mainstream conservatism's defense of the free market, but to defend the criticism you've already made.

Jonah didn't seem to think you pulled punches. After quoting page 15, he writes:

"How is one supposed to read this as anything but an invidious slap at conservatism? Not only is Rod saying here that non-crunchy conservatives are grotesque materialists concerned only with 'wealth and power,' not only is he questioning the sincerity of their religious convictions, but he is also saying that these conservatives are fools, suffering from a kind of Marxist false consciousness, if they deny that they are only concerned with wealth and power. Because, you see, 'that's not how they live' -- because Rod says so.

"On page after page, Rod attributes Republican and 'mainstream conservative' adulation of the free market to greed and envy. Mainstream conservatives 'believe that a merchant or a manufacturer owes no loyalty to his community, nor the community to the manufacturer.' Other motivations for support of the free market—say, liberty, or skepticism in the government's ability to glean the 'better way' -— are given little to no serious consideration."

But you want to suggest that you were going easy on conservatism's defense of the market? Because poor widdle Rod was scared of being called a socialist?

That strikes me as a load of local, convivial, organically produced, sacramental horse manure.

If I'm wrong, and Rod was going easy in his accusing mainstream conservatives of being greedy materialists whose faith is false, I'd hate to see what he really thinks.

And I'd love to see him for once try to defend his slander.


Blogger Pauli said...

A guess great minds think alike. Maybe Bubba should consider writing for NRO.

1:57 PM  

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