Monday, January 22, 2007

And the Cinematography in Airplane was Atrocious.

Rod Dreher doesn't like "24" and has been quite critical of its dialogue.

("The lines were so wooden I thought surely the producers had dragooned The Timbertoes into the writing pool.")


It's worth noting that he also thinks that Smokey & the Bandit had a contrived premise; that the Three Stooges failed to convey the true harm that can be done with blunt-forced trauma; that MythBusters spends too little time on the physics behind their experiments and too much time blowing things up; that Ronin would have been better if Frankenheimer had just edited out those boring car chases; and that The Big Lebowski had a garish production design.

But to rest your mind about Rod's aesthetic tastes, there's a particular bread recipe that he really likes. He really likes this bread.

I mean, he really likes it.

And let us not dare to question Rod's masculinity: after all, he has a beard.



Blogger kathleen said...

well, what i loved was dreher's "sorkin writes great dialogue" line. that's such a freaking canard. no one talks like sorkin dialogue unless they are freaking insufferable and on coke (kinda like...sorkin). sorkin dialogue is like listening to someone read a script aloud while feeling really smart doing it. sorkin dialogue is written to gratify dumb actors who want to make everyone think they are really quick-witted and bright.

rod strikes yet another pet peeve of mine with unfailing accuracy -- "sorkin writes great dialogue". i bet he loves mamet too.

5:30 PM  
Blogger kathleen said...

start at 130pm. so deeply funny. my sides are aching.

7:58 AM  
Blogger kathleen said...

what if they talk like authentic comic book characters?

10:24 AM  
Blogger kathleen said...

"come on Chloe, don't go all mainstream on me!"

12:25 PM  

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