Thursday, March 30, 2006

Of Convivial Pots and Kettles.

Rod Dreher is worried for our country -- Katrina
and the spectre of suitcase nukes and EMP's. He doubts that we could survive a Depression with the courage of our ancestors, "soft as we are."

The 9/11 attacks changed him -- so he's the one whose worldview was changed by that non-event! -- and he worries about our continued refusal to take Islamism seriously.

(But, gosh, defeating Islamic extremists in Iraq sure is hard!)

Now, this morning, Rod is writing about the hard ideological and political divides between the right and the left. You know what their problem is? Both sides "gin up such fear and hatred of the Other that they get us to be loyal to them no matter how badly they’re failing, or lousy their agendas."

Yeah, shame on them, for such damnable fear-mongering.

You know, I think the Crunchies should promote their agenda--I mean, sensibility--with a television campaign. I'm sure they would be open to the idea of recycling an old commercial, and I know just the thing.


Blogger kathleen said...

I'm sure the crunchies obsessively read this blog (though they would never admit it). why would crunchies pass up yet another opportunity to cluck their tongues at something (e.g. the "frat boy humor" on display here)? it's their raison d'etre.

yo yo YO! crunchy dawgs.

12:10 PM  
Blogger kathleen said...

"They probably got the living crap beat out of them on the playground."

Yeah, and in the higher education years, these are the guys who raised their hands every five minutes and droned on while the rest of the class rolled their eyes and clock-watched.

the thought of attending law school with stegall just makes me shudder.

3:20 PM  
Blogger The Snob said...

A Gunner Bingo card with Stegall's name on it was probably as good as cash in the bank.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Casey Abell said...

Frohnen just said he is "at best slightly crunchy." Honest.

Is he wig-wagging that he didn't get beat up in high school? Anyway, why has he been preaching the crunchy gospel so long?

Maybe he wants to come out of the closet: he shops at Wal-Mart, watches TV eleven hours a day, thinks Birks are for sissies, pigs out on Hershey bars, invests in factory farms, believes homeschoolers are nuts, and is moving to the cushiest suburb he can find.

5:52 PM  
Blogger Casey Abell said...

The crunchies are going out on typically sour notes. Stegall describes us as a nation of Prufrocks, which will irritate anybody who gets the allusion. Rod just recommended a book which dumps on the suburbs, where most people in the U.S. live.

Rest assured, the crunchies will never attract much of a following in this country which they love to hate.

And now it's time to say good night...with apologies to Ringo, it's been fun puncturing the stuffed-shirt sanctimony and laughable hypocrisy of the crunchies. See y'all.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Pauli said...

Speaking of playgrounds... (hello? anyone still there? Oh, HI! couldn't stay away could you?)

Anyway, speaking of playgrounds, what I'm really looking forward to is seeing what the crunchies build, you know, the liturgical city. I mean it is important to them, for our future and everything, so I imagine the blue-prints are in the works right now. I suppose they're not interested in what that Domino's Pizza guy builds down in Florida because that's all built on capitalist (i.e., ill-gotten) gains. I mean a pizza place is a staple for strip malls and a symptom for urban sprawl, sub-urban sprawl and sub-sub-urban sprawl, if not one of the causes.

But when they build it I'm sure it will be a wonderful place - and I'm not kidding. I'd like to live there and I will if I'm allowed. As Jape said the "movement is just beginning", but I think if they work as hard on it as they have on the crunch blog it should be built and running in about a year or so.

12:33 PM  

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