Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Crunchy Theme Song

To the tune of The Lumberjack Song by Monty Python (Click for MP3)

I'm a crunchy-con, and I'm okay
I sleep all night and I work all day

Farmers: He's a crunchy-con and he's okay, he sleeps all night and he works all day

I compost greens and I eat my lunch
I go to the lavatory
On Wednesdays I go to Whole Foods
and pick up some Pouilly-Fuisse

Farmers: He composts greens and he eats his lunch, he goes to the lavatory. On Wednesdays he goes to Whole Foods, and picks up some Pouilly-Fuisse

Refrain: I'm a crunchy-con and I'm OK, I sleep all night and I blog all day!

I compost greens, I skip and jump
I like taxing capital gains
I put on Ralph Nader's clothing
And hang out with PETA

Farmers: He composts greens, he skips and jumps, he likes to tax capital gains, he puts on Ralph Nader's clothing, and hangs around with PETA!?

Refrain: I'm a crunchy-con and I'm OK, I sleep all night and I blog all day!

I compost greens, I hate SUVs
I love to regulate
I wish I was born a liberal,
Just like my dear Carter!

Farmers: He composts greens, he hates SUVs, he loves to regulate?!

I'm a crunchy-con, and I'm OK, I sleep all night and I blog all day!
Yes, he's a crunchy-con and he's OK, he sleeps all night, now go away!


Blogger Pauli said...

Oh, wait - Carter is Cah-tay, right? Now I have the lumberjack tune stuck in my head. How about another Python remake named "Isn't it awfully nice to be a Genius"?

8:37 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

Let me suggest that it was Rod Dreher's bad luck to have run into a willing publisher while still caught up in the enthusiasm of a convert.

His is, after all, a conversion story, about a man who faced and overcame his own prejudices. Unfortunately, this has occurred so recently he still believes his own conversion reveals Important Answers for everyone. (In this way, he's like the guy who just quit smoking, or the high school student who just read Robert Pirsig (if people still read Robert Pirsig).)

I suspect it would have been better had he written a more modest book -- one that simply reported interesting anecdotes about life in the crunchy conservative quadrant, one a journalist would be qualified to write -- and left the manifesto business for later, when his thought had matured for more than, oh, three years.

Then, perhaps, he would have been less eager to represent his personal sensibilities as somehow normative (denying all the while that he has done this) of "true conservatism," much less of "traditionalism" or the defense of the Permanent Things.

6:26 AM  
Blogger kathleen said...

Tom, I agree with you except when you say except that Dreher faced and overcame his own prejudices. He just traded in one set of prejudices for another. Dreher made assumptions about people who wore birkenstocks, until he started wearing birkenstocks. Now he essentially makes erroneous assumptions about people who DON'T wear birkenstocks. Some people will never change, they will just ping back and forth between one form of ignorance and another.

8:42 AM  

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